Side-by-side Concerts
One of the true joys for the Naperville Municipal Band is sharing the stage with local school bands to present a combined concert. In most cases, the school band will present their program followed by the Naperville Municipal Band presenting theirs. If space allows, the grand finale is presented by the combined bands. It is incredible to have students between the ages of 12-18 sitting next to lifelong musicians that might even be in their 80's. Music knows no age limit and all of the musicians on stage are creating the same work of musical art TOGETHER! Music is for life!
Enjoy the scrolling pictures and quotes from students on the left.

High School Internship Program
The Naperville Municipal Band is proud to partner with local high schools to have students (recommended by their directors) sit in with the band for a concert cycle. The mission is to have students experience making music with lifelong musicians who have continued to make music an important part of their lives regardless of their career paths or other interests. The program has been very well received by both NMB members and students, alike.
"This was an awesome experience and so much fun! I loved the music and everyone was so nice and welcoming. I hope I get to play with the band again!"
-2024 High School Intern after the May concert

2024 Ronald J. Keller Scholarship Winners
The Ronald J. Keller Scholarship
​The Ronald J. Keller Scholarship recognizes outstanding graduating high school seniors pursuing a career in music education.
Ronald Keller, the long-time director of the Naperville
Municipal Band and lifelong music educator, was passionate
about sharing the joy of music with students, adults and
residents of the Naperville community. In that spirit, the
Naperville Municipal Band is honored to offer the
Ronald J. Keller Music Scholarship to outstanding high
school seniors interested in pursuing a career in music
education post high school.

8th Grade Scholarship Award
An ongoing goal of the Naperville Municipal Band is to nurture young musicians. The band continues to play concerts with school bands and gives music scholarships to 8th graders from each middle school in Naperville school districts 203 and 204 and Ss Peter and Paul and St. Raphael Schools. Recipients are recommended by their middles school band directors. These students are invited to join the band on two music selections during the Winter Concert or first concert of the summer season.