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Our Directors

Emily Binder

Conductor & Music Director​


Emily Binder has been a proud resident of Naperville since 1986.  A graduate of Waubonsie Valley High School, Emily received her Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and earned a Masters degree in School Administration from North Central College in Naperville.  Emily joined the Naperville Municipal Band tuba section in 1987 and has served as the Assistant Director for many years.


A member of the Indian Prairie School District 204 music faculty, Emily directs multiple concert bands and chamber ensembles, a jazz ensemble, and the marching band at Neuqua Valley High School in Naperville.  Prior to teaching at Neuqua Valley, Emily taught instrumental music at Gregory Middle School.


William Jastrow

Associate Conductor


William Jastrow received his Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and a Masters degree in Music Education from Northwestern University.  William has been a resident of Naperville since 1997.  Prior to his appointment as Associate Director, William has served the Naperville Municipal Band on numerous occasions as a guest conductor, arranger, and/or member of the percussion section starting in 2005.


A retired member of the Indian Prairie School District 204 music faculty, William frequently appears as a clinician, conductor, or music education advocate at district, state, and national music conferences and festivals.  In addition, William serves on the Board of Directors for ARTSpeaks, a non-profit association that advocates for the essential value of music as part of a comprehensive K-12 education.

Tracy Oliver

Naperville Big Band Director


Tracy Oliver holds both a Bachelor and Master degree in Music Education from VanderCook College of Music in Chicago. He began his teaching career in 1982, as an instrumental music teacher in the East Aurora School District. He subsequently taught instrumental music in Carol Stream and Naperville District 203 schools.


Tracy has been a member of the Naperville Municipal Band for 30 years and served as assistant conductor for nine of those years. Tracy has also been a member of the Naperville Municipal Band Big Band since the band's inception in 2004, first as lead alto sax player and as Director since 2011.

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